Stone Ridge's Hidden Gem: Ron Sharkey's Antique Haven, Maple Lawn 1843

Maple Lawn 1843: Ron Sharkey's Signature Blend of History and Design Brilliance

Ron Sharkey, a seasoned interior designer with a keen eye for fine, rustic items, has made a significant mark on the design scene. His journey includes the ownership of the Black Barn in High Falls, a creative concept and venture that gained prominence as the venue for the inaugural Field + Supply "modern makers craft fair" in 2014. The event caught the attention of The New York Times' style magazine, propelling Field + Supply to become one of New York's premier makers markets, now held at the Hudson Brickyards.

Ron Sharkey, owner of Maple Lawn 1843

Armed with a Pratt degree in art education, Ron has channeled his passion into his new venture, Maple Lawn 1843. Situated at 3705 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY 12484, in the heart of Stone Ridge, the store boasts a unique name that reflects both its historical roots and commitment to timeless aesthetics. Maple Lawn 1843 has quickly become a go-to resource for those seeking a curated collection of antiques, primitive art, housewares, urns, and garden statuary.

What sets Maple Lawn 1843 apart is Ron Sharkey's exceptional taste, which transcends trends, offering a carefully curated selection of items that resonate with lovers of quality and craftsmanship. The store's reasonable price points make it accessible to a broad audience, contributing to its status as a not-so-kept secret among Upstate and city interior designers alike.

Maple Lawn 1843 has become a haven for those in search of distinctive pieces that tell a story, each item handpicked by Ron Sharkey himself. As a result, the store has become a major resource for interior designers, both local and those venturing from the city. Ron's commitment to offering unique, quality items at accessible prices has made Maple Lawn 1843 a destination that seamlessly blends history, art, and design in the heart of Stone Ridge, NY.
